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  • Safeguarding and Child Protection

    Safeguarding and Child Protection

    If you’re worried that a child or young person is at risk or is being abused, you are encouraged to talk to the Headteacher, (Kate Humphries) the Deputy Headteacher (Ellen Lowry), the Pastoral Lead (Nim Matharu) or any other appropriate adult in school.

    Our pupils are continually taught and encouraged to live healthy lifestyles and adopt safe practices. Our safeguarding policies and practices help to ensure that they are safe, happy and healthy.

    School policies ensure that there is a consistent approach to practice across the school and that they are followed by staff, governors and volunteers.

    Adults have a tremendous impact on young children and adults at Manor Wood Primary School and are committed to:

    • creating an environment of trust
    • being good role models for children
    • working within that agreed policies of the school
    • promoting a happy, caring and safe school
    • encouraging children to share their concerns or ask for help if they need it

    There are a number of policies in place to safeguard our children, including:

    Child Protection

    This is a sensitive area in which all staff receive regular training and work together with other agencies to support the needs of children. There are four key designated officers for child protection in school: Kate Humphries, Nim Matharu Ellen Lowry and Claire Ranshaw. There is also a named governor for child protection: Colette Kurylo.

    Read our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy below which is based on the Leeds model policy but has been adapted to suit our particular context by school leaders and governing body. Our policy is reviewed annually in line with any changes that may have been made to the model policy by the safeguarding team, or to reflect other changes and best practice. This is to ensure the integration of current issues and good practice.

    Domestic Violence

    Manor Wood Primary School is part of a project that runs jointly between schools and West Yorkshire Police. It has been established to support children who are resident in households where there are incidents of domestic violence and abuse. The initiative has been designed to provide confidential notification to schools on any incidents of domestic violence and abuse which occur within a child’s household that might have an impact on a child whilst he or she is in school. Clearly this enables us to support a child who may come into school potential worries or emotional barriers to their learning.

    This project ensures that members of the school staff are trained to use the information that has been shared in confidence and are able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children or their families. We work hard to offer the best possible support to our pupils and we believe this is beneficial for all those involved.

    If you would like further support or information about domestic violence and abuse please go to

    The member of staff who is specifically trained is Nim Matharu


    Children’s attendance at school is monitored on a daily basis and notable absences or patterns of absences are followed up by the Pastoral Lead and in more serious cases the Attendance Strategy Team. We work with our families to address any barriers to attendance and encourage you to approach us so that we can work in partnership.


    High standards of behaviour are expected in our school in order to keep children and adults safe. Restorative Practice underpins our approach to relationships and behaviour management.

    Health and Safety

    Everyone at Manor Wood Primary School is fully aware that they have a responsibility to ensure children and adults are able to work in a healthy and safe environment. The majority of Teaching Assistants, dinner supervisors and administrative staff are first-aid trained and they deal with illnesses and accidents should they occur.


    Through the planned curriculum, we ensure that the issues of healthy eating, physical exercise and safety are taught. This aspect is enhanced by themed weeks and many visitors to school eg police officers who talk to the children about issues such as road safety, how to keep themselves safe and drugs awareness.

    Online safety and social media

    The aim of this guidance is to inform all staff of best practice around e-safety and draw attention to existing local and national guidance on this subject so that we can maintain the safest possible learning and working environments for children and staff alike. The document has been created in line with Leeds City Council guidance and contains two appendices: one around acceptable use of ICT (see below) and one with additional guidance on social media.

    Acceptable Use of ICT

    This policy states what is acceptable in terms of use of hardware, use of the internet and publishing content. It is intended for all ICT users at  Manor Primary School: staff, children, governors etc. Acceptable use of ICT is defined as activities that provide children with appropriate learning experiences or that allow adults to enhance their own professional development.

    Prevent Duty

    Schools have a statutory duty to pay 'due regards to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. It is important to remember that whilst the threat from so called Islamic State has been a focus in the Counter Terrorism and Security Act, the Prevent Duty is clear that extremism of all kinds should be tackled too. In England, far rights groups such as Britain First and the English Defence League need to be tackled too. Read our guide for parents- it could be a good way to prepare yourself when supporting your child in any difficult discussions.

    Safer recruitment and selection

    This aspect of the school’s responsibility is taken very seriously. Governors and the school ensure that all staff new to the school and volunteers who work in school on a regular basis undertake a DBS check and full references are acquired before the person takes up post.

    2023-24 Manor Wood Primary School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

    Attendance Policy 23-24

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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