Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
OFSTED comments regarding Carr Manor PS (Manor Wood PS) (Jan 2019)
"Pupils with SEND receive outstanding support. It is first rate. Leaders' ambition for pupils results in them making rapid progress towards age-related expectation. Highly effective systems are in place to check pupils' progress and aspirations for their achievement are high."
The majority of children in school learn and progress at an expected or accelerated rate. However, there are a number of pupils whose overall attainment and achievement is significantly below expectation and they may have Special Educational Needs (SEN.)
At Manor Wood Primary School, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that ensures appropriate challenge for all the different groups of children we teach regardless of the barriers they may face. To this end we:
· Differentiate our planning effectively
· Respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs
· Provide high quality additional adult support where necessary
· Implement interventions to support specific learning needs each morning
The term “Special Educational Needs” encompasses a variety of difficulties including:
For children who have a specific learning difficulty or a disability, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy outlines the educational support we provide – this is often referred to as our ‘SEND Offer’. This provision runs alongside the Leeds Local Offer.
At Manor Wood PS we use the Department for Education’s definition of what Special Educational Needs is as described below:
A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
As a school we work closely with parents and outside agencies including Educational Psychologists, medical services and the Complex Needs Team. In addition, we liaise with other schools in our cluster who can provide services such as Family Outreach Workers, Counselling and Therapeutic support.
Useful information for parents:
What do I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
You should contact your child’s teacher initially or arrange a meeting with the Inclusion Manager, Miss Ranshaw. We will listen carefully to concerns and put appropriate actions in place. This may involve suggesting other professionals who might be able to help. Because we closely monitor every child’s attainment and progress, it’s likely that we will have already spoken to you about any concerns we have.
How will school support my child?
The Inclusion Manager and class teacher will plan a specific programme around the support needed to meet his / her needs. This is likely to include lots of extra practice of a specific aspect of learning over the course of the week as well as differentiated tasks within lessons. This will be overseen by the Inclusion Leader and any other professionals involved with the child. Any alternative provision will be delivered by teachers and support staff, and will be reviewed regularly by teachers and the Inclusion Manager. Any plans or targets will be shared with parents at intervals across the year.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
As well as individual plans and targets, which would usually be delivered on a one to one basis, we make sure that all children have access to a curriculum which is differentiated to challenge and meet individual needs. We also provide tailored interventions every Monday to Thursday at the start of the day delivered by well-trained Teaching Assistants and teachers. We also offer a very effective reading catch-up programme for children in Year 1 and 2 (ECAR) which has great proven success.
How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning?
In addition to normal reporting arrangements, there are parents’ evenings and review meetings where there will be opportunities for you to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher. The Inclusion Manager is always available for further discussion and to support you with any concerns you may have.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Manor Wood is an inclusive school with a total commitment to making sure all our children have the highest levels of pastoral care possible. We have close partnerships with outside agencies and regularly access support from our local cluster. All our staff are trained in child protection procedures and there are two members of staff, the Safeguarding Officer (Sherrelle Pool) and the Headteacher (Deborah Kenny) who are specially designated to ensure the safeguarding of all children
What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?
We work closely with a number of services to support our children’s needs effectively including Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, the Complex Needs Team, Counselling Services and the STARS team (specialists in autism). In addition our cluster employs a full time Speech Therapist who spends a day each week here in school and we employ a highly effective Play Therapist on a part-time basis. We recognise the importance of early diagnosis and intervention and have close links with the Early Years Team .Similarly, we work closely with the School Nurse, who is available to train staff when children have specific medical issues and links with many other support agencies.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?
We ensure all children with SEND are able to access all activities and school trips enjoyed by their peers (although these may have be adapted for those with specific needs). We consult with parents / carers when planning activities to ensure safety and inclusion when it will help meet the child’s needs. Some children with complex needs will receive extra funding and this will be used where possible to employ staff on a one-to-one basis to promote independence but to also support inclusion at all times.
Access facilities for children with SEND
An appropriate and accessible learning environment is provided and is adapted where possible with additional funding if necessary. Children who require additional specific equipment and facilities will have their needs met sometimes through an application for additional funding or through the school budget. Ramps are in place to allow wheelchair access into school. Although stairs inside the building prohibit easy access internally, external pathways and ramps enable all areas to be accessed.
How will your school help my child move on to the next phase of education?
Transition arrangements are firmly established in the school and we will support parents / carers to select the most appropriate setting for their children. In addition, social and emotional support is planned to ensure all children transfer to their new schools smoothly and confidently
Follow this link for the Local offer for SEND.