Bouncing Back and Coping with Change
This unit teaches children a series of practical evidence-based strategies to use to bounce back and keep going in the face of adversity. We choose to teach this unit to our Y6 children on a needs-led basis.
Pressures from school, social media, and relationships can seem overwhelming, especially for vulnerable young people. These strategies, drawn from evidence-based approaches such as mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, will help them to build the ability to bounce back when things go wrong.
There are 20 clearly presented sessions will help build self-esteem, empathy & assertiveness, develop stress management and problem-solving skills and a reflective approach:
1. The Happiness Habit
2. Thinking of Others
3. Being in the Flow
4. Developing Grit
5. Building My Strengths
6. My Feelings
7. Beat the Stress
8. Building Confidence & Self-Acceptance
9. Positive Comments
10. Healthy Habits
11. Effective Thinking Part 1
12. Effective Thinking Part 2
13. Mindful Moments
14. Relax Yourself
15. Feeling Friendly
16. Boosting Positive Emotions
17. The Savouring Habit
18. Showing the Gratitude
19. The Growth Mindset
20. Focus on Future Solutions
We choose to teach the above sessions in a flexible way- with individuals or groups, as and when the need arises.