Class Structure
Children are grouped in classes according to age.
Nursery and Reception are the Foundation Stage.
Years 1 and 2 are Key Stage One.
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are Key Stage Two.
There are 2 classes in each year group.
The School Day for children
7.30am Before School Club
8.45am the start of the school day. Children can arrive from 8.30am
9.00am the register is marked
10.30 - 10.45am Morning Break
12.00 - 1.00pm Lunchtime for Key Stage One & Two in the KS1 hall
A longer lunch break for children in the Foundation Stage who eat in the unit.
2.15 - 2.30pm Afternoon Break Key Stage One
3.15pm School ends.
3.15pm - 5 or 6pm After School Club
The hours the children are in school, with the exception of the Before and After School Provision, amount to 32.5 per week. This is in line with expectations for primary schools across the country.
Before and End of School Arrangements
Before School
Children wait in the playground(s) until the doors are opened at 8:45am for KS1 and KS2.
Foundation Unit doors open at 8:50am.
KS2 children use the entrance at the back of school and make their way to cloakrooms/classrooms. The door is manned by KS2 Teaching Assistants.
KS1 children line up outside Year 1 and Year 2 entrances and wait to be let in by their class teacher/teaching assistant. They are lead into their cloakrooms by a member of staff.
Foundation Stage pupils line up outside the class door with their parent/carer and wait for a member of staff to open them before entering into the cloakroom(s).
All doors close at 8.45am prompt and any child arriving late must go to the school office where they will be registered before being sent to class.
End of Day
Children in Foundation Stage and KS1 must always be collected by an adult who is known to school staff. If this arrangement has been changed the parent/carer is expected to contact school either by phone or letter/planner and the class teacher will be informed.
School Security
During the day anyone entering school must use the pedestrian entrance gate on Carr Manor Road where there is a buzzer system. This enables any visitors to identify themselves to office staff before being allowed access to school premises. Visitors to school will be asked to sign in and out and wear a visitors’ badge.
Visitors to school
The school welcomes many visitors during the course of the school year. Some are regular visitors, such as peripatetic music teachers, health professionals and parents working in classes whereas other visitors may visit only occasionally. We request that all visitors sign in at the office and wear a visitors badge as a matter of security. This clearly identifies visitors to children and staff.