Attainment and progress at the end of Key Stage 2, 2023 (Year 6 – 11 year old pupils)
Our Excellent 2022 / 23 KS2 Results are as follows:
86% of our pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths, combined (compared with 59% nationally.)
As you can see our scores at Manor Wood PS are well above national, which is extremely pleasing.
Attainment: higher level
We continue to offer challenge to all children, including higher attaining pupils. Scaled scores of over 110 are considered to be ‘high scores’.
25% of our pupils achieved a high level of attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths (natonal 7%)
We are very proud that the scores in reading, writing, mathematics and SPAG for our higher attaining children are significantly above those nationally.
We will add all the scaled scores and progress scores as soon as they are available to us from the DfE.
Scaled Scores
Scaled scores, where 100 is the expected national standard, also show that our pupils achieved extremely well. (There are no scaled scores available for writing as writing is assessed throughout the year.)
Progress Scores for All Children
These scores illustrate the additional progress the children make between KS1 and 2.
We are a fully inclusive school welcoming children with significant special needs from a wide number of ethnic groups and with many and varied languages. We are extremely proud of the achievement of all our children and believe that they are very well prepared for the next phase of their education.
DfE School Performance Tables :
The results for Manor Wood Primary School against National results for 2023 are as follows:
This table shows the % of Year 6 children achieving each outcome in 2023, compared to national end of Key Stage 2 outcomes.
2022 / 23 | Key Stage 2 | |||
| MW Expected Standard + | National Outcomes | MW Greater Depth | Forecast National Outcomes |
Reading | 92% | 73% | 47% | 28% |
Writing | 93% | 71% | 31% | 13% |
Mathematics | 93% | 73% | 47% | 22% |
GPS | 97% | 72% | 51% | 28% |
R, W, M combined | 86% | 59% | 25% | 7% |
Science | 100% | 79% | N/A |
National figures include all schools with children eligible for assessment at KS2.
As you can see we are well above national figures across the board.
Expected standard is a scaled score of 100+
Greater Depth is a scaled score or 110+
As ever, we are hugely proud of our children and their achievements in all aspects of the curriculum and school life, not just the areas highlighted above!