
Manor Wood Primary School

Covid-19 Catch Up Programme

 Catch-Up Premium Plan

      Manor Wood Primary School 


Summary information


Manor Wood Primary School

Academic Year


Total Catch-Up Premium


Number of pupils

459 + Nursery




Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds could be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education could be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.


Schools’ allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years reception through to 11.


As the catch-up premium has been designed to mitigate the effects of the unique disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), the grant will only be available for the 2020 to 2021 academic year. It will not be added to schools’ baselines in calculating future years’ funding allocations.


Use of Funds

EEF Recommendations


Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the DfE guidance.

Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.

To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students. Schools should use this document to help them direct their additional funding in the most effective way.




The EEF advises the following:


Teaching and whole school strategies

  • Supporting great teaching
  • Pupil assessment and feedback
  • Transition support


Targeted approaches

  • One to one and small group tuition
  • Intervention programmes
  • Extended school time


Wider strategies

  • Supporting parent and carers
  • Access to technology
  • Summer support


Identified impact of lockdown



Key topics have been missed. Basic skills, such as times tables and mental arithmetic have suffered. Children’s ability to reason and problem solve has also been impacted.




Children haven’t necessarily missed ‘units’ of learning in the same way as Maths, however they have lost essential practising of writing skills leading to lack of fluency in writing. Children’s handwriting and spelling also requires intervention following months of not practising.



Reading fluency has decreased despite the amount of reading materials we provided to the families over lockdown. The speed of which the children read has slowed along with their comprehension competence. Phonics has also been an issue in Year 1 and additional work is taking place to address this.



There are now significant gaps in knowledge – whole units of work have not been taught meaning that children are less able to access pre-requisite knowledge when learning something new and they are less likely to make connections between concepts and themes throughout the curriculum. Children have also missed out on the curriculum experiences e.g. trips, visitors and life experiences which we provide both in and out of school.


Social and Emotional

Issues around social and emotional development have become clearer during the course of the term in terms of anxiety, reluctance to work at home during quarantining and a dip in resilience. Some parents have also been very badly affected by lockdown which increases their children’s level of anxiety.

Home Learning

During the course of lockdown home teaching improved significantly. However, it became evident this year that home-schooling would continue to be necessary and as high quality and engaging as possible if children were going to learn effectively whilst quarantining.

Communi-cation and links with home

Sadly, Covid has resulted in parents not being able to come into school in the usual way to discuss concerns / celebrate with their children / attend performances and coffee mornings etc. Face-to-face communication is now more difficult, and it is more important than ever to share information with parents regarding school and their children using less orthodox strategies than previously.

Social and Emotional issues

Social and emotional issues were not evident at the start of term although families had received support throughout lockdown. Issues are now more obvious as the term has progressed and the pastoral team have a key role to play in supporting children and families around wellbeing, mental health, anxiety etc.



Planned expenditure - The headings below are grouped into the categories outlined in the Education Endowment Foundation’s coronavirus support guide for schools)

  1. Teaching and whole-school strategies

Desired outcome

Chosen approach and anticipated cost

Impact (once reviewed)

Staff lead

Review date?

Supporting great teaching:


The full review of the Foundation Subjects and new resources purchased. Resources extended to provide a range of cross-curricular opportunities to link in with the learning missed. Covid-safe experiences planned throughout the year including appropriate trips.


A clear focus on transition for the children from R – Y1 and the enhancement of the Y1 learning space in terms of continuous provision.


There is a key focus on quality blended / home learning




Non-class-based teacher (Senior Leader) leading on curriculum review.

Additional time for teachers to plan non-core subjects. Subsidised experiences for the children and a scheme for the foundation subjects.


Additional resources have been purchased for Year 1.




Seesaw is in place across school, AP has delivered effective training to all staff and home learning is of a high quality.

Families continued to be closely monitored to ensure they can access home learning by the ICT team and teachers and barriers are removed.











KT and HM




Feb 21






Feb 21

Teaching, assessment and feedback


Teachers have a very clear understanding of what gaps in learning remain and are using this to inform assessments of learning.


Pupil progress meetings across the year and data provide evidence that learning is progressing well and that gaps are being effectively addressed.


Interventions have been implemented effectively to meet individual needs and have been appropriately evaluated to measure impact on learning.



Additional time for teachers to interrogate data, analyse gaps in learning, plan accordingly and assessment the impact on progress.


Time for regular pupil progress meetings to take place involving the SLT and teachers across school.



Funding a time for appropriate interventions to be implemented effectively. Training for TAs and teachers around CPD focused on intervention and additional funding, if required for staffing groups before the official start of school.






DK and AR



Jan 21

Continuity (transition) support


Children have made the transition smoothly from EYFS to Year 1 and are learning effectively.

Additional time provided to plan for and implement the “Continuity” project involving the KS1 and EYFS team. Time for the EYFS leader and the KS1 phase leader to work together on this.





HM and KT




Budgeted cost






  1. Targeted approaches

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

Impact (once reviewed)

Staff lead

Review date?

1-to-1 and small group tuition


Teaching assistants run interventions on a daily basis. A timetable has been created so that catch-up work can be taught alongside same-day interventions.








Funded SEND children to be effectively supported in lessons and on a 1-1 basis where necessary whether they are at home or in school.




Release time for teachers to prepare the interventions on a half-termly basis and train the TAs. Additional resources to be purchased if required.


Non-class-based teachers to work with groups of children on a flexible basis with a focus on literacy and numeracy skills. This will be targeted at children with different abilities, based on identified need including those who are more able.


TA staff and teachers to plan and TAs to deliver intervention and support if children are at home.





DK, AR and CR




Feb 21






Feb 21

Enhanced Resources


Children have increasing access to appropriate resources to enhance learning opportunities. (Particularly new ICT opportunities.)




Sport and PE

Increase the fitness of all and particularly identified children.


Time for Andy Patrick to work on the areas below. (This is a new post created following lockdown.)

Improved effectiveness of the infrastructure to provide greater learning opportunities for children.

New laptops / IPads etc which can be loaned out to families or used in school to effectively support children if staffing is reduced due to Covid.


New sports resources to improve the fitness of the children after lockdown and quarantining. Training for staff during staff meetings from RH and outside providers.



AP, RH and DE












July 21


Extended school time


Identified children to have additional allocated teaching and learning time to close gaps and accelerate progress.  



Some children to start school at 8.30 for Touch Typing and other interventions.

Homework clubs outside contact hours for children who prefer to work in school or need to access appropriate resources.


Additional groups with Nim and Sherrelle focused on wellbeing / emotional and social development.




CR, DK and AR











Budgeted cost





  1. Wider Strategies

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

Impact (once reviewed)

Staff lead

Review date?

Supporting parents and carers


Children will have greater opportunities to access learning at home. Home-learning opportunities will not always require parents to engage with the activities, affording the children greater independence and increasing the likelihood that parents can sustain home-learning.


Children have access to appropriate stationery and paper-based home-learning if required so that all can access learning irrespective of ability of child/parent to navigate the online learning.




Support for parents around home learning with particularly reluctant children.




Seesaw purchased to enhance home learning providing pre-taught lessons, video resources, a platform for sharing slides, messages between home and school, photographs of children etc.



Home-learning paper packs are printed and ready to distribute for all children. Stationery packs are to be purchased and set aside for children to take home when home-learning occurs. Teachers are provided with additional release time to prepare home learning if a child is self-isolating, but the bubble is still intact.


Teachers / TAs quarantining to work with individual children on-line, via zoom, phone calls etc to engage them in learning and reduce the responsibility of stressed parents.











Phase Leaders







SLT and Phase Leaders










Feb 21

Pastoral Support



Children for whom there are issues around well-being have been supported effectively and there is evidence of positive impact.



There is close liaison with home and parents receive regular updates / feedback.



Play Therapy is available to identified children via school or the cluster.




Identified children / families receiving support / guidance from our pastoral team in school or via the Cluster and other appropriate services.

Regular referrals are made to the 2Gether Cluster.


Zooms / phone calls and socially distanced meetings are taking place regularly between the pastoral team and parents / carers.


Delivered by Sarah Cromwell






The CC, SP, DK, AR and NM










Cultural Capital


Funds are earmarked to increase opportunities for children and used across the year to extend their experiences (especially identified children.)




Children have access to a wide range of opportunities throughout the year and all children are supported to take part in trips, sports, music, drama opportunities etc.








Budgeted cost




Cost paid through Covid Catch-Up



Cost paid through school budget



Totall cost


